Crypto Raiders Newsletter 4/18
Game News
- We announced the Raider International ‘22, a $1 Million Dollar minimum guaranteed prize pool tournament with 2,500 participants. The tournament will be held in July 2022, with different levels of battle passes available to mint in $AURUM. You can find the details of the announcement in the screenshot below!
- We made an adjustment to the ilvl UI that bumped up ilvl’s by 10 - this did not change the power/stats on any weapons and was only a visual change. Laz also now purchases items level 20 and up!
- Crypto Raiders and the founding team were featured in a couple of different news outlets this week; first a written article by Dean Takahashi from Venturebeat magazine, and a podcast interview by Clement from France Crypto.
Si vous aimez :
— (@FranceCryptofr) April 18, 2022
✅ Les P2E
✅ Les jeux rétro
✅ Les RPG
✅ Les donjons
✅ Gagner des cryptos
Alors vous devriez aimer @crypto_raiders ! Retrouvez notre interview en replay sur Youtube :
*Podcast en anglais uniquement*
Community News
- We are officially a Twitch affiliate! Our push to partner was successful as well; we hit all metrics required and are submitting our official application to Twitch this week. Wen emotes?
- We have our second governance protocol vote ready for the community, and it will go live on 4/19 on the econ site! The vote is: What should the starting town in the overworld be named?
- Dellsmere
- Goldmire
- Portwynn
Make sure to submit your vote before closing on Friday, 4/22 at 11:59 CST!
- Join Lang1y and Kix this Thursday for the Council of Elders podcast at 7:00 PM CST on Twitch!
- We are now on Spotify! You can listen to all of our Crypto Raiders podcasts here. Game Music and previous music competition submissions are being uploaded this week.
Twitter Followers: 28,804 (% increase)
Discord Members: 20,977 (% increase)
Economic News
- The first week of accurate $AURUM emissions for $RAIDER stakers went into effect on 4/13, and spending was increased for the week prior and rewards were raised by 130,000 $AURUM from the previous week.
- There is currently $28.5 million in the $RAIDER staking pool, and $21.1 million in the four liquidity pools.
Unique Holders Raiders: 5,448 (3% increase)
Unique Holders MOBS: 1,597 (1% increase)
Unique Holders Mounts: 528 (No change)
Unique Holders $AURUM: 4,394 (2% increase)
Unique Holders $RAIDER: 4,779 (5% increase)
Floor Price Raiders: .019 ETH (5% decrease)
Floor Price Gen 1 Raiders: .148 ETH (2% decrease)
Floor Price MOBS: .069 ETH (34% decrease)
Floor Price Mounts: .102 ETH (30% decrease)
Current price $AURUM: $0.0266 (1% increase)
Current price $RAIDER: $2.76 (10% decrease)
7 day Volume Raiders: 15.72 ETH (45% decrease)
7 day Volume MOBS: 10.26 ETH (60% decrease)
7 day Volume Mounts: 1.28 ETH (72% decrease)