Crypto Raiders Newsletter 7/11

Game News
- We released a patch this afternoon that resolved the websocket connection issue that was causing freezing during dungeon runs. We recommend that you play on our Windows desktop client for the best performance! You can download the desktop client here. We plan to release a Mac client later this week.
- The team is actively working on tracking bugs and rectifying them, along with a list of QOL updates. The first four items we are working to improve on the list:
- Improving Combat UI (Mana immediately deducts upon ability use, HP deducts upon hit, energy shield displaying correctly)
- Auto suggest/scroll to last dungeon played on a Raider
- Remember me button on login
- Improving item filtering/sorting
Community News
- We will be resuming competitive duels with $AURUM rewards this week! More details will be coming from the tournament team in Discord.
- The Council of Elders podcast will resume this Thursday at 8 PM EST on Twitch with Captain Kix and Lang1y.
Twitter Followers: 28,836 (1% decrease)
Discord Members: 22,712 (7% increase)
Economic News
- There is currently $2 million in the $RAIDER staking pool, and $1.7 million in the four liquidity pools.
Unique Holders Raiders: 5,730 (1% increase)
Unique Holders MOBS: 1,596 (1% decrease)
Unique Holders Mounts: 524 (2% increase)
Unique Holders $AURUM: 4,503 (1% increase)
Unique Holders $RAIDER: 5,123 (1% decrease)
Floor Price Raiders: .0077 ETH (20% decrease)
Floor Price Gen 1 Raiders: .069 ETH (13% decrease)
Floor Price MOBS: .03 ETH (25% decrease)
Floor Price Mounts: .08 ETH (25% decrease)
Current price $AURUM: $0.0035 (No change)
Current price $RAIDER: $0.20 (9% decrease)
7 day Volume Raiders: 1.3 ETH (68% decrease)
7 day Volume MOBS: 0.46 ETH (67% decrease)
7 day Volume Mounts: 0.5 ETH (7% increase)