Crypto Raiders Newsletter 11/14

Game News
- Trading has entered the community testing phase, and we expect to launch the feature the week of 11/21
- We hired multiple new Unity Developers that started this month
- We are planning to expand the ability tree for Tier 2 beyond our original scope, so we are pushing the release of T2 abilities until December so we can release everything in full at one time.
- This week is the last week to run the Halloween dungeon, which will be closing on 11/18. There are also still two Renga NFTs as loot available in the Black Box!
Community News
- We are planning to have a community game night on Saturday, 11/26. More details to follow next week on the exact time and game we will play!
- The GFC Invitational Community Qualifiers will begin in the next two weeks, with prizes for the second trophy run sent out within the next week. More details will be shared in Discord when ready.
Twitter Followers: 28,303
Discord Members: 22,095
Economic News
- We hope you all are staying safu with all of the recent events in the Crypto markets. Crypto Raiders did not have any funds tied up in FTX. We store our treasury funds in fiat bank accounts or multi-signature safes on chain, and our runaway is unaffected by these recent events.
- There is currently $547k locked in the $RAIDER staking pool, and $1.28 million in the four liquidity pools
Unique Holders Raiders: 5,836
Unique Holders MOBS: 1,597
Unique Holders Mounts: 527
Unique Holders $AURUM: 4,677
Unique Holders $RAIDER: 5,000
Floor Price Raiders: .0054 ETH
Floor Price Gen 1 Raiders: .034 ETH
Floor Price MOBS: .01 ETH
Floor Price Mounts: .016 ETH
Current price $AURUM: $0.0025
Current price $RAIDER: $0.061
7 day Volume Raiders: 0.82 ETH
7 day Volume MOBS: 0.0699 ETH
7 day Volume Mounts: 0.39 ETH