Crypto Raiders Newsletter 3/28

Game News
- Abilities testing will begin with our Community Alpha Testing Group this week!

- Our next dungeon in Act 2 will be launching with the 3/30 WENsday update. This dungeon will have a special new twist on the bosses and loot!
- Sophisticated Art Speculator and Nat Eliason did an excellent podcast with Delphi Digital on the Crypto Raiders ecosystem that you can listen to here.
Community News
- We plan to launch the Crypto Raiders merch shop next WENsday, 4/6. Stay tuned for a giveaway we will be running starting later this week for a free merch bundle!

- If you are interested in signing up for the first Guild v Guild tournament, please complete this Google Form. We will be announcing tournament details and Guild invites on 4/4.
Twitter Followers: 26,227 (2% increase)
Discord Members: 19,872 (1% increase)
Economic News
- We launched the $RAIDER stakers voting governance protocol on the econ site on Friday, 3/25. The first vote ran over the weekend and concluded this morning, 3/28.

- Recruiting will be delayed by another 14 days.
- Basic Health Potions launched on Tuesday, 3/22. They will be available to bridge into the game and used on next WENsday’s update.
Unique Holders Raiders: 4,965 (2% increase)
Unique Holders MOBS: 1,571 (1% increase)
Unique Holders Mounts: 542 (New addition to chart)
Unique Holders $AURUM: 3,751 (1% increase)
Unique Holders $RAIDER: 3,248 (5% increase)
Floor Price Raiders: .025 ETH (8% decrease)
Floor Price Gen 1 Raiders: .14 ETH (24% decrease)
Floor Price MOBS: .1 ETH (5% decrease)
Floor Price Mounts: .12 ETH (New addition to chart)
Current price $AURUM: $0.031 (7% increase)
Current price $RAIDER: $5.56 (71% increase)
7 day Volume Raiders: 20.11 ETH (23% increase)
7 day Volume MOBS: 48.64 ETH (665% increase)
7 day Volume Mounts: 2.85 ETH (56% increase)