Crypto Raiders Newsletter 9/19

Game News
- Two new classes, Paladin and Knight are scheduled to launch this week
- Forging is scheduled to launch next week

- We are planning to release a new special event dungeon next week
- ICYMI - Our iOS app is now available for download via Apple Testflight! You can access the build by clicking this link after downloading the Testflight App.
Community News
- We are working on setting up the governance proposal software set up, and plan to share an update on progress later this week.
- Crypto Raiders will be participating in the Galaxy Fight Club Cross-IP Invitational, an event with over 300k in NFT prizes hosted on the GFC platform. Crypto Raiders community members will be able to battle as Crypto Raiders characters during the event, and have a special prize pool set just for our community. More details to follow in a Twitter Space this Thursday, 9/22!

Twitter Followers: 28,447
Discord Members: 22,213
Economic News
- There is currently $815k in the $RAIDER staking pool, and $1.6 million in the four liquidity pools.
Unique Holders Raiders: 5,783
Unique Holders MOBS: 1,600
Unique Holders Mounts: 525
Unique Holders $AURUM: 4,694
Unique Holders $RAIDER: 5,037
Floor Price Raiders: .006 ETH
Floor Price Gen 1 Raiders: .025 ETH
Floor Price MOBS: .014 ETH
Floor Price Mounts: .0239 ETH
Current price $AURUM: $0.0027
Current price $RAIDER: $0.09
7 day Volume Raiders: 0.7434 ETH
7 day Volume MOBS: .0499 ETH
7 day Volume Mounts: .0469 ETH