Crypto Raiders Weekly Newsletter 11/1/21

Game News
- Gen 3 recruiting event is now live! The Drunken Fairy will be open until 11/12, so get in your recruits before it closes. Recruiting fees have been adjusted to 3000 $AURUM for a Gen 1 character and 3500 $AURUM for a Gen 2
- Heroic Jack the Carver is dropping two additional rare limited edition items, so get your runs in before the event closes on 11/6!
- The L1/L2 bridge will soon be removed from the website, so if you have any characters remaining on L1, please transfer them over ASAP!
- We finally got rid of our original website and launched a brand new one! Check out our completely overhauled site at
- Results of final round of music voting coming 11/3!
Community Updates
- Our first Poker night was a huge success with nearly 150 people turning out for the event. Thanks to everyone for coming out.
- Join us Saturday Night, 11/6 for some live streaming raids in Discord.
- Crypto Raiders was mentioned in Bloomberg!
- Check out our lore trailer and game introduction trailer on YouTube and subscribe to our channel to watch more content coming soon!
- Two giveaways are going right now for CR characters hosted by Umiii and Crypto King. Spread the word about CR and support some community content creators in the process!
Discord Members: 11097
Twitter Followers: 8752
Economy Updates
- Over 6050 characters recruited so far in Gen 3 recruiting event
- $RAIDER price up to $2.06, significantly up since last week at $1.31
- $AURUM price up to $.029, significantly up since last week at $.022
- Bank currently has $11.8 million in $RAIDER staked and $7.4 million in the two liquidity pools
Unique Holders Raiders: 1856
Unique Holders MOBS: 1534
Unique Holders $AURUM: 1473
Unique Holders $RAIDER: 1138
Floor Price Raiders: .039
Floor Price MOBS: .055
Current price $AURUM: $.029
Current price $RAIDER: $2.06
7 day Volume Raiders: 67.33 ETH
7 day Volume MOBS: 28.67 ETH