Crypto Raiders Weekly Newsletter 11/8

Game News
- We launched a partnership with another premiere NFT game, Galaxy Fight Club! To find out more about the partnership, check out our blog.
- Jack the Carver and the special event dungeon have left for the year! Our next new dungeon will be the first in the Act I series, starting on 11/12.
- The next dungeon will feature skill runes, which will be available to Raiders who have looted a rune from dungeons. Check out a video of one in action here.
- Onboarded new team members to port the game to Unity!
- Recruiting will be closing on 11/12. Make sure to get your recruits in before it closes!
- Crypto Raiders Genesis Music Soundtrack winners were announced, and auctions for the NFTs will be held over the weekend from 11/12 - 11/14
Community Updates
- We launched profiles on all major social media to start organic and paid marketing. Give our accounts a follow! TikTok, Instagram, Facebook.
- We are looking for a new Discord mod! If interested, please DM Tyrael or Ruygye on Discord.
- Interested in being a Crypto Raiders streamer and having a special role in our Discord? Please fill out this Google form.
- Have good video clips of you gaming, or want to make some? We are looking for high quality gameplay footage to use for social media content and will be paying a 500 $AURUM prize to the clips selected. To submit footage, fill out this Google form.
Discord Members: 10846
Twitter Followers: 9478
Economy Updates
- A new AURUM/USDC liquidity pool was launched on Sushi. The staking rewards for AURUM/MATIC are now split between the AURUM/MATIC and AURUM/USDC pools, and you can stake tokens at the Crypto Raiders Bank.
- Over 7,700 Raiders recruited so far in Gen 3 recruiting event
- $RAIDER price down to $1.63 after a sharp run up the previous week
- $AURUM price slightly down to $0.0271
- Bank currently has $9.6 million in $RAIDER staked and $7.3 million staked in the three liquidity pools
Unique Holders Raiders: 1985
Unique Holders MOBS: 1538
Unique Holders $AURUM: 1596
Unique Holders $RAIDER: 1178
Floor Price Raiders: .036 ETH
Floor Price MOBS: .049 ETH
Current price $AURUM: $0.0271
Current price $RAIDER: $1.63
7 day Volume Raiders: 21.11 ETH
7 day Volume MOBS: 6.13 ETH