Crypto Raiders Weekly Newsletter 12/27

Game News
- We changed the login flow on the website to use usernames/passwords to create and access player accounts. This prepares us to launch our native and mobile clients on popular app platforms (iOS, Android/Play store, Epic store) and will allow users to play the game without being logged into their Web3 wallet. You can read all about the changes in our blog post here.
- Mounts are coming to Crypto Raiders! For Christmas this year, we are going to be airdropping mounts to all Raider Stakers with the rest being earned as in-game rewards. Mounts will have both in-game and DeFi utility in our staking game being released in January. You can read more about the airdrop in our Discord announcement here.
Community News
- We are hiring! You can read up on the roles we are looking to fill and details on how to apply in our blog post here.
- Duels tournaments are coming back in January stronger than ever, with a 1,500,000 $AURUM prize pool budgeted for the month! January will be an off-season month, with our next big invitational tournament coming in February/March with a budget of up to 3,000,000 $AURUM in prizes. More details will be announced in the coming weeks!
- We did a community project grant of $5,000 USD each to the top three community developed projects last week! The winners of the contest were:, Crypto Raiders Guru, and the Crypto Raiders companion extension. Congratulations to these three awesome projects on winning the $5,000 grant!
Twitter followers: 12061
Discord members: 12499
Economy News
- We have a new DeFi staking game mode launching in January! This will provide another avenue for Raider utility and introduce new materials/tokens to the game. More details will be coming after the new year!
- $RAIDER price is significantly up to $3.61, and reached all time highs over the past week.
- $AURUM price is up to $.0309
- There is currently $32.8 million in the $RAIDER staking pool, and $18.2 million in the four liquidity pools
Unique Holders Raiders: 2391
Unique Holders MOBS: 1494
Unique Holders $AURUM: 1797
Unique Holders $RAIDER: 1441
Floor Price Raiders: .075 ETH
Floor Price Gen 1 Raiders: .15 ETH
Floor Price MOBS: .114 ETH
Current price $AURUM: $0.0309
Current price $RAIDER: $3.61
7 day Volume Raiders: 33.52 ETH
7 day Volume MOBS: 26.61 ETH